The Aussie Spritual Cowboy

He’s tamed some of the meanest outlaws in the West. Now he’s ready to tame your mind with insights you never thought possible.

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About me

Accept what is, Let go of what was, and Have faith in the future.

He was born in 1955 and by the age of four he had ridden his first horse on his own and by 15 he was riding wild outlaw broncs.

In fact, horses have a common thread throughout his life, so much so he often joked he had horse sweat running through his veins.

Greg excelled at school, Dux of year nine but all he lived and breathed for was horses

At age a 21 a tragic accident leaves him unable to ride horses again.

A graphic vision sees Greg leave the land he loves and enlist in a radio school far away in Brisbane.

The book

This is a drama about an Aussie larrikin who wants to be a ringer/cowboy. When an underlying birth condition prevents him from ever riding again, he receives a vision about a career in radio which he pursues to great success. However, another debilitating condition emerges and pushes him to the brink of madness. But the gifts of that condition allow him to see things most people don’t and in following what he sees, he seeks help from the oldest culture on Earth – and unimagined new doors fly open.

The White Horse and the Wandjina

Greg Reid shares lessons learned as a cowboy/stockman, radio announcer, and writer in Queensland, Australia, in this memoir.

On a cattle ranch growing up, he came to understand that riding horses is much like negotiating life. Once a horse bucked him off in a certain way, he learned that lesson. It’s like that in life, too: We have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes.

A constant theme is his love for Christ, who he did not give himself to fully until 1989, when he had an out-of-body experience at Kurramine Beach, traveling back to the night when Judas betrayed Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane.

He confesses to being both a healer and a sinner–something that took him nearly a lifetime to figure out but that has helped him discover Christ, change his life, and help others.

Book Trailer

From visions, and encounters with Christ to taming Outlaw Broncs it will leave you gasping.

Inspirational Interview

It’s a classic Western, a Spiritual book for the ages, something the whole family can read,

Cowboy's Spiritual Journey: 'The White Horse and the Wandjina' by Greg Reid"

Reid’s upbringing on a cattle ranch taught him invaluable lessons about life, akin to riding horses – each fall and triumph symbolizing life’s broader challenges and learnings. His narrative intertwines practical ranch life experiences with deeper insights, showcasing the importance of learning from our mistakes and the resilience needed to navigate life’s ups and downs.

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